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What are the differences and connections between foreign trade and international trade


I. International Trade

International trade is the product of the development of human society to a certain historical stage and refers to the exchange of goods between countries (regions) of the world. It includes the exchange of tangible goods (physical goods) as well as intangible goods (services, technology, education, consultation, etc.). This exchange activity, from the perspective of a country (region), is called the foreign trade of that country (region). In the world, the total foreign trade of all countries (regions) constitutes international trade, also known as world trade.

Ii. Foreign Trade

Foreign trade, also known as "foreign trade" or "import and export trade", refers to the exchange of goods and services between one country (region) and another country (region). This trade consists of import and export. For countries (regions) that import goods or services, that is, imports. For countries (regions) that ship goods or services, that is exports. This began to emerge and develop in slave and feudal societies, and grew more rapidly in capitalist societies. Its nature and function are determined by different social systems.

Both foreign trade and international trade refer to the exchange of goods across national borders. From this point of view, they are consistent. But there are also obvious differences. The former focuses on the exchange of goods between one country (region) and another. The latter focuses on the worldwide exchange of goods between all countries (regions) in the world.
